Greek Yoghurt with Berries and Honey

Greek Yoghurt with Berries and Honey

A nutritious morning starts with Greek Yoghurt with Berries and Honey. This wholesome breakfast combines creamy Greek yoghurt, packed with protein and probiotics, with a burst of antioxidants from fresh berries like blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries. 

The natural sweetness of honey drizzled on top adds a touch of indulgence while keeping it healthy. 

This combination offers a balanced meal rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibre to kickstart your day. 

Greek yoghurt aids digestion and supports gut health, while the colourful berries boost your immune system. 

Plus, the low-calorie, high-nutrient profile keeps you energised and satisfied until your next meal, making it a delicious choice for overall well-being.


• 1 cup of Greek yoghourt

• 1/2 cup of mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, or your choice)

• 2 tablespoons of honey

• 1/4 cup of granola (optional, for added crunch)

• Fresh mint leaves (for garnish, optional)


1.Prepare Your Ingredients:

• Wash and dry the berries. You can use a single type of berry or a mix, depending on your preference.

• Measure out the Greek yoghurt, honey, and granola if you're using it.

2.Mix the Greek yogurt:

• Take a serving bowl or a glass.

• Spoon the Greek yoghurt into the bowl. You can use more or less yoghurt, depending on your preference.

3.Add the Berries:

• Wash and drain the berries well.

• Gently place the berries on top of the Greek yoghurt. You can arrange them neatly or scatter them for a more rustic look.

4.Drizzle with Honey:

• Drizzle the honey evenly over the yoghurt and berries. Feel free to customise the honey quantity according to your personal preference. You can also swirl it into the yoghurt for a marbled effect.

5.Add Granola (Optional):

• If you like some extra texture and crunch, sprinkle granola on top of the yoghurt and berries.

6.Garnish (Optional):

• If you want to make your dish look even more appealing, add a few fresh mint leaves for garnish.


• Serve your Greek Yoghurt with Berries and Honey immediately. It makes for a delicious and nutritious breakfast, snack, or dessert.

Enjoy your homemade Greek yoghurt with berries and honey! This dish is not only delicious but also packed with protein, vitamins, and antioxidants. You're welcome to personalise it using your preferred selection of fruits and toppings.

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